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Ergotherapie DRK Kreisverband Sebnitz e.V.

This appears to be the homepage of a German Red Cross (DRK) branch, specifically the Kreisverband Sebnitz e.V.. Here's a breakdown of the information presented: **Website Structure:** * **Main Navigation:** * "Angebotsfinder" (Offers Finder) - Likely links to services offered by the DRK. * "Wer wir sind" (Who We Are) with subpages for Addresses, Landesverbände (State Associations), Kreisverbände (District Associations), Schwesternschaften (Sisterhoods), and Rotes Kreuz international (Red Cross International). * "Leichte Sprache" (Easy Language) - Accessibility option. **Content:** * **Welcome Message:** A brief introduction to the DRK, its mission, and the specific branch's service area. * ** Erste-Hilfe Aus- und Fortbildung (First Aid Training):** Links for registration and information about first aid courses. * **Customer Feedback for Emergency Services:** Anonymised links for providing feedback on the performance of the rescue and ambulance services. * **Aktuelles (Current News):** Recent news items, including: * Job openings for emergency medical technicians/paramedics. * A call for reinforcements to join their team. * A report of a recent rescue operation involving a fall from the Basteibrücke bridge. * **Visuals:** * Images showcasing the DRK's activities, such as: a photo related to civil protection and disaster relief, childcare services, nursing care, youth social work, and easy-to-understand language content. **General Impressions:** The website appears well-organized and informative. It clearly outlines the services provided by the Kreisverband Sebnitz e.V., provides opportunities for community engagement (feedback, job applications), and keeps visitors updated on current events. The inclusion of "Leichte Sprache" demonstrates a commitment to accessibility. mehr ... zuletzt aktualisiert am 09. Oktober 2024
